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Line 248

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After creating a non-flashᅠCFREE in ColdFusion8 and clicking on an expandable branch (only tested with the top branch), the browser receives an error on line 248 stating that 'style' is null or not an object.ᅠ You could dig through all your code all you want, but it isn't your line 248 error.

If you investigate the following folder in your ColdFusion web-root "CFIDE\scripts\ajax\package\" and open the "cftree.js" file you'll discover the bit of bad code that escaped the quality inspection effort before delivery to production.ᅠ The actual error is on line 247 where it calls _68.style.backgroundColor="lightblue"; which should mean when you select the branch it will turn the background color a light blue by default.

So what's the problem?ᅠ Why the error?ᅠ This line of code is fine; it's not mal-formed at all.ᅠ The real problem is that it is out of place.ᅠ Take a look above this code and lines 244-245, these lines of JavaScript deal with testing the existence of objectᅠ_68, which will govern if a style can be applied.ᅠ Line 247 is not obeying the script's error handling and must be corrected.

The easiest thing to do is just remark out the line and press on with life, the light blue is forced upon you anyway and chances are it will not conform to your design style and color scheme.ᅠ Commenting out the problem on line 247 has no ill side-effects; there are no other errors just a cooperative CFTREE.

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